Latest Episodes
We collaborate with entrepreneurs and industry leaders to emphasize the importance of digital transformation. We regularly invite technopreneurs and change leaders to talk about how technology played a crucial role in transforming their businesses and how it helps them scale up with sustainability.
What Does Automation Mean for a Business in The 21st century?
In Episode 7, Tekrevol’s Co-Founder and CMO Abeer Raza is joined by the Co-Founder of Remote New Media and Code Assembly, Mr.Paul McGillivray...
How To Get Investors To Say “YES” To Your Startup!
In episode #06, we are joined by the founder of Slidebean, Jose Caya, to discuss the importance of pitch decks to increase market excitement about your product...
The Importance of Patents in Entrepreneurship
In Episode 5, Abeer Raza sits with the president of American Patent Agency PC, Mr. Daniar Hussain, and Mr.Stephen Hou, a Patent Prosecution Advisor at APA PC...